Breast Disease

breast disease

Breast Disease

A benign (noncancerous) breast bulge is called a fibroadenoma. This firm, spherical, smooth tumor is made up of a mass of glandular and fibrous tissue. A fibroadenoma may, in extremely rare circumstances, include breast cancer. Without therapy, fibroadenomas frequently contract or disappear. Your doctor can suggest having a fibroadenoma surgically removed or monitor it over time to see how it develops.

The good news is that assistance is available; at Apex Sexual Health Clinic, we have a team of professionals who specialized in fibroadenoma diagnosis. At Apex Sexual Health Clinic, we provide a thorough evaluation and examination before talking about the best therapy options for you. You can rest assured that the staff at Apex Sexual Health Clinic will treat your problem with discretion and professionally and will talk to you about your needs to make sure you get the right care.

Breast Disease

Breast cancer evaluation and diagnosis

  • Breast cancer evaluation and diagnosis